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Free & Reduced

Free & Reduced Lunch Application

  • Children need healthy meals to learn. Boone Central Schools offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $1.90; lunch costs $3.40. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced-price meals. The reduced price is $.30 for breakfast and $.40 for lunch. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, use the Household Eligibility Application, which is attached.

    Boone Central School District encourages all families to investigate the possibility of receiving meal benefits.

    • The number of families who qualify for free or reduced meals helps increase funding for our schools and offers eligibility for state and federal grants.

    • The demographic information (no names or other specifics) is used by the Nebraska Department of Education to help allocate dollars for classrooms to help support instruction in our schools.

    We cannot approve an application that is not complete, so be sure to fill out all the required information.

    Return the completed application to:

    Boone Central Schools
    605 S. 6th Street, P.O Box 391, Albion NE 68620
    Attn: Jordan Classen or email at


    NOTE: All vending and al acarte items, which includes "seconds" at any meal are charged full price regardless of free/reduced lunch status. Please see the Accounts and Payments tab Here for further details surrounding setting limits and viewing transactions.