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Career Academy

Career Academies

Students who participate in Boone Central’s Career Academy have the opportunity to earn college credit and learn more about a high-demand career area. Students will learn skills that will help them be successful in pursuing the career field of their choice.  Additionally, they will have the opportunity to work closely with local businesses gaining valuable experiences, and in many cases, hands-on experiences.

The coursework in the academies are a sequence of classes that build on students’ skills in a specific career field.  Students then must register for the Career Readiness class during their junior year.  The first semester of the Career Readiness class consist of classroom lessons focusing on general career readiness skills and observation at several local businesses in different career fields.  The second semester students will spend the majority of the semester gaining hands-on experiences at local businesses.

During the senior year, students will complete either an Internship II experience or a Capstone course. 

There are 5 academies available: Agriculture, Business and Technology, Health and Human Services, Hospitality, and Skilled/Technical Sciences.   Students register for the academy of their choice in the spring of their freshmen year in high school.  Students must complete all coursework to complete the academy.  The required classes for each academy are listed below with each area’s course descriptions.

Career Academy Benefits to Students: 

  1. Practical skills for a career area
  2. Safety, legal, and ethical procedures
  3. Job-seeking skills
  4. Interpersonal skills for the workplace
  5. Dual or con-current credit while in high school
  6. Get a head start on a college degree
  7. Gain exposure to a rigorous college environment.
First page of the PDF file: BooneCentralCareerAcademyPathways
Boone Central Schools Academic Pathways