Local Scholarships
Local scholarships are those that are funneled through the Boone Central High School counseling office. These scholarships are available to the current seniors and are on an online platform called AppCentri. The counselor will open the local scholarship platform to students around late November with a majority of the scholarships being due on March 15 each year. This allows for students to have time over holiday breaks to start working on their scholarship applications and asking for recommendation letters. All announcements of the local scholarship winners are done at the Honor’s Night celebration hosted during the week prior to graduation each year. Parents/Guardians of the current senior class will be sent information regarding the local scholarships via email each year.
Other Area Scholarships
There are many other area scholarships that are shared with our school to get out to our students. Our current senior students have access to these on a shared document listed by the scholarship due dates. These scholarships are local or Nebraska-based scholarships that do not flow through the school, they are separate and students must follow the instructions on each scholarship for their requirements. To see this list of scholarships click HERE. This list is updated each year as information is shared with the counselor or the school administration.
State-Wide Scholarships
Education Quest has a free state-wide scholarship search program called Scholarship Quest. Click HERE to sign up. This database is the biggest source of Nebraska-based scholarships available to our students.
Nation-Wide Scholarships
There are many national scholarship search engines available online. It takes time to search through scholarships and find the best-fit scholarships for you. You should NEVER pay for a scholarship search or to apply for a scholarship. Education Quest offers national scholarship search sites that are safe to use. Click HERE to see the list on their website.
College Specific Scholarships
Each college will also offer scholarships. Once you have applied to the college of your choice, follow the instructions on the college website or within the acceptance emails to create accounts and fill out their applications for their scholarships. You can do this before you make your final selection of which college you will attend so that you can compare your financial offers from each college before making your choice.
Frequently Asked Questions on Scholarship Applications
- Does Boone Central weight their GPA?
- Boone Central provides both a weighted and an unweighted cumulative grade point average. The cumulative unweighted GPA is a straight average of a student's semester grades. The cumulative weighted GPA is figured by multiplying a student's semester grade by 1.05 then the points are averaged together with the student's remaining semester grades. The following courses are weighted: English 12, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, American History, Government, Physics, Advanced Biology, Chemistry, and Anatomy & Physiology.
- Does Boone Central rank students?
- No, beginning with the Class of 2021, Boone Central does not rank students. Students will be recognized at graduation using the Laude system. If your application asks for your rank just put NA.
- What type of grading scale does Boone Central use?
- Boone Central uses percent grades. A student's GPA might be a 95.6% out of 100%. If a scholarship asks for a grade scale, the correct response would be a 100-point scale.
- How do I convert my GPA to a 4.0 scale? Be sure to use this chart as other scales may not be a correct conversion.
- Does Boone Central offer Honors classes, AP class or IB classes?
- Honors - Calculus would be the only honors class, AP - Advanced Biology is the only AP class if you choose to take it as an AP class, IB - Boone Central does not offer IB classes.
- Should I list my weighted or unweighted GPA on the scholarship application?
- If the scholarship does not specify, you should list your weighted GPA. If it specifically asks for an unweighted GPA then list your unweighted GPA.